This page (revision-31) was last changed on 05-Oct-2016 15:47 by sara sahar 

This page was created on 14-Aug-2014 12:41 by unknown

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
31 05-Oct-2016 15:47 2 KB sara sahar to previous
30 30-Mar-2016 22:10 2 KB Juan Pablo to previous | to last
29 30-Mar-2016 21:15 2 KB JEMS to previous | to last HowToCreateANewPage ==> +1-855-639-4698 windows 10 technical support number
28 05-Feb-2016 08:44 2 KB Harry Metske to previous | to last
27 29-Jul-2015 14:54 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
26 20-Jun-2015 16:28 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
25 24-Jan-2015 15:59 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
24 24-Jan-2015 12:58 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
23 24-Jan-2015 11:34 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
22 24-Jan-2015 11:10 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last
21 23-Sep-2014 12:27 2 KB David Vittor to previous | to last

Difference between version and

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I've just managed to get the source code to compile, put it in eclispe, deployed it to Tomcat, and built the TreePlugin.
I've just managed to get the source code to compile, put it in eclispe, deployed it to Tomcat, and built the [TreePlugin].
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Whoohoo now I have my own JSPWiki running on localhost!
* I have launched my JSPWiki here - []
* Although I plan to create another one on __OpenShift__ See [JSPWikiPublications] and migrate my current mediawiki to jspwiki.
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I'm thinking of documenting how to set this up on __OpenShift__, and migrating my current mediawiki to jspwiki.
* Already done. See [JSPWikiPublications]
!Haddock Template
* To test the [Haddock Template] you do so on my sample page here: []
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Some plugins that need converting/upgrading are here:
* []
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Some plugins I'm thinking of writing are:
!!Testing SampleAjaxPlugin
See [SampleAjaxPlugin]
Check out my list of plugins here:
* []
Some of these are available here:
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* PluginsListPlugin - filers, plugins, pages
* AttachmentsPlugin
* ImageGalleryPlugin
* CreatePagePlugin
* VLCMeditPlayerPlugin
* PrintPlugin
* JDBCPlugin
* JFreeChartPlugin - []
* YouTubePlugin
* VimeoPlugin
* RSSFeedPlugin
* DocViewerPlugin - ViewerJS []
* MailBlastPlugin - provide html source, and list of data (email,field1,field2)
* JIRAPlugin - []
* TwitterPlugin - []
* BitcoinWidgetPlugin - []
* QueryPlugin - []
* TwitterRecentChanges - []
* JSPWikiMarkupParser - []
* [ImageGalleryPlugin]
* [VideoPlugin]
* [JiraPlugin]
* [JDBCPlugin]
* [PluginListPlugin]
* [AutoLinkHtmlFilter]
* [EncryptedPageFilter]
* FileSystemProvider - persist page attributes as page properties. Completed in []
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* AutoHtmlLinkFilter - automatically convert http: links
On my "to do soon" roadmap is:
* AttachmentsPlugin - lists attachments on the page even in readonly mode (so you dont have to use the tab).
* PasswordPlugin - a way to encrypt passwords and place them in the wiki
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* MarkdownFilter
* ConfluenceMarkupFilter
* FileSystemProviderPlus - persist any other properties (other than just author, changenote and last modified)
* Base64Filter - encrypt page content
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* JackRabbitProvider - persist to a JCR
* MemcacheProvider - Interesting idea
* EncryptedPageProvider
* OrientDBPageProvider - graph database [] or []
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Some of the other things I would love to see in this wiki are:
* UI for Administration pages - a way to edit the through a form
* OSGi for plugins - [Apache Felix iPOJO|]
* UI for ACL controls - Edit/View controls for users / groups
* CKEditor as a WYSIWIG editor
* Hibernate / Jackrabbit / Database storage
* Spaces
* Macro/Plugin browser
* Theme/Skin management
* Mobile UI
* [HowToDeleteAttachments]
* [HowToEnableVersions]
* [HowToCreateANewPage]
* [HowToSetupAUserDatabase]
* [HowToChangeASkin]
* [HowToAddGoogleAnalytics]
* login improve - []
* support for niceedit - []
* jQuery - []
* Wiki on a Stick - []