Written by David Vittor
Date 23-Oct-2014
Plugin Version 0.1
Wiki Versions 2.10.1+
Demo http://digitalspider.com.au/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=PanelPluginDemo
Details http://digitalspider.com.au/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=PanelPlugin
Issues https://github.com/digitalspider/jspwiki-plugins/issues
Plugin PanelPlugin-0.1.jar(info)
Dependencies panel-resources.zip(info)


Create a panel on the page with a header and footer, and customised CSS.

Develop a panel like this:

[{Panel id='123' classid='blue' header='Header Text' footer='Footer Text'

...other wiki content...

This would output the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src="panel/panel.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="panel/panel.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="panel/blue.css">

<div class="panel panel-blue" id="panel-blue-123">
  <div class="header header-blue" id="header-blue-123">Header Text</div>
  <div class="content content-blue" id="content-blue-123">
     ...other wiki content...
  <div class="footer footer-blue" id="footer-blue-123">Footer Text</div>
  • panel.css would define styles for panel-default, header-default, content-default, & footer-default
  • blue.css would define styles for panel-blue and all subcomponents (e.g. "header-blue, content-blue & footer-blue")

The content of the css files would control:

  • width/height (ideally responsive)
  • colours (text color, background color, border)
  • margins and padding
  • border
  • fonts
  • layouts (float, valign, etc)

All of these values can be overridden in the custom blue.css, and some can also be overridden by parameters in the panel. For CSS design, you can use: http://codepen.io/

Here is the contents of the panel.css, which can be copied to create different panel class styles:

panel-default {
  border: solid thin;
  float: left;
  margin: 2px;
.header-default {
  background: #D2D2D2;
  padding: 5px;
.content-default {
  padding: 5px;
.footer-default {
  background: #D2D2D2;
  padding: 5px;


  • Place the jar file into your <tomcatDir>/webapps/JSPWiki/WEB-INF/lib/ directory
  • Unzip the panel-resources.zip file into your <tomcatDir>/webapps/JSPWiki/ directory
  • Restart your tomcat
  • Add the following to your page:
[{Panel id='1' header='Header'

Some content


Param Description Default
id the unique id for this panel, used for controlling the javascript element id
classid the class id for this panel 'default'
width set the width for this panel
minwidth set the min width for this panel
height set the height for this panel
minheight set the min height for this panel
colorpanelbg set the background color for the whole panel
colorheaderbg set the background color for the header of the panel #D2D2D2
colorcontentbg set the background color for the content of the panel
colorfooterbg set the background color for the footer of the panel #D2D2D2
colorpaneltext set the text color for the whole panel
colorheadertext set the text color for the header of the panel
colorcontenttext set the text color for the content of the panel
colorfootertext set the text color for the footer of the panel
colorborder set the border color of the panel
border set the border css of the panel solid thin
padding set the padding css of the panel 5px
margin set the margin css of the panel 2px
corners set the border radius css of the panel
debug boolean, if true set log level info false


Property Description Default

Release History#

  • initial Release

ContributedPlugins | JSPWikiPlugins
