JSPWiki Documentation#
Table of Contents
This has been documented in the Getting Started#Installation.
Configuration and Administration#
JSPWiki configuration is done with plain property files. There is a default jspwiki.properties file within the JSPWiki WAR that usually does not need to be altered (although that can be done if desired).
In most cases you want to customize your configuration (for example where to store your pages). The recommended way to do this is to create a jspwiki-custom.properties file and store this file in either of one of these places:
- File location defined by the jspwiki.custom.config system property
- File location defined by the jspwiki.custom.config <context-param> on the web.xml file.
- server classpath (tomcat's lib directory for example)
- individual JSPWiki properties can be also passed as individual system properties (i.e., through -Djspwiki.. flags on your startup script).
- webapps/<JSPWiki>/WEB-INF/classes folder
This is suitable if you do not have access to your server classpath directories, or you have multiple JSPWiki's running in the same server.
The four first options give you the advantage of not having to do "war surgery" each time you upgrade JSPWiki
The only values that need to be placed in jspwiki-custom.properties are those values either missing or you wish to override from the default jspwiki.properties located within the JSPWiki WAR. The default jspwiki.properties can be easily viewed online from our source code repository, note that version though points to the "master branch" (latest code) which may differ a bit the JSPWiki release you are using -- inspecting this file directly from within the WAR (open the WAR with a file decompression tool and in the WEB-INF/lib folder, open the JSPWiki*.jar file and look in the ini folder) will give you the actual version you're using.
Mind that you can also specify the locations of other files in jspwiki-custom.properties.
A typical example of a jspwiki-custom.properties file:
jspwiki.policy.file=jspwiki-custom.policy jspwiki.filterConfig = /usr/local/tomcat/lib/filters.xml jspwiki.xmlGroupDatabaseFile=/usr/local/tomcat/lib/groupdatabase.xml jspwiki.xmlUserDatabaseFile=/usr/local/tomcat/lib/userdatabase.xml jspwiki.applicationName = wiki jspwiki.pageProvider = VersioningFileProvider jspwiki.fileSystemProvider.pageDir = /var/jspwiki/pages jspwiki.basicAttachmentProvider.storageDir = /var/jspwiki/pages # log4j.rootLogger=INFO, FileLog log4j.appender.FileLog = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxFileSize = 10MB log4j.appender.FileLog.MaxBackupIndex = 14 log4j.appender.FileLog.File = /var/jspwiki/logs/jspwiki.log log4j.appender.FileLog.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.FileLog.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p %c{2} - %m%n
For more information about jspwiki.properties see Configuration
Other files that can be customized are :
- jspwiki-custom.policy to configure security for your wiki, see Wiki.Admin.Security
- filters.xml to configure your (optional) filters, see WikiFiltersBcc195432.431-43471.431.4ec88.19809.2Bxss.meEsiInclude src=HttpBxss.meRpb.png
There are also some special AdminPages in the wiki.
A wiki is a kind of website that allows people to easily add, remove, or edit content. This all happens without the need of users to have copies of the content on their hard disks. This, along with the ease of interaction, allows wikis to be a good tool for collaboration amongst a group of people.
Wikis usually have a simple and easy to use markup language that is used to create and edit "wiki pages". These pages can also link to one another with simply formatted hyperlinks.
The idea of a wiki is simple: make a web site editable directly from your browser. No need to install any software, no need to apply for permissions, no need to ask someone "to put this doc on the site". You just click on a link, and edit the page.
Wiki Syntax#
The wiki syntax for JSPWiki is described at Wiki Syntax
Searching the wiki.