Table plugin#
It allows to:
- merge cells horizontally and/or vertically (aka colspan and rowspan).
- nest tables inside other tables inside other tables...
- add styles to table rows and table cells
- auto-number the rows
- use multi-line table rows and cells to support large or complex table cells.
Standard JSPWiki table markup #
See also TextFormattingRules :
- a new line of text starting with a pipe character | indicates the start of a new table row.
- each line corresponds with a table row, containing one or more table cells.
- a single pipe | starts a new data cell.
- a double pipe || starts a header cell with different formatting.
- end the table with a line which does not start with a pipe character.
New extra table markup provided by the TablePlugin#
- span multiple columns with |< or ||< to collapse this cell with the previous cell
- span multiple rows with |^ or ||^ to collapse this cell with the cell above
- add css styles to cells with |(<css-style>) or ||(<css-style>)
- add row numbers to a cell with |# or ||#
||Nr ||A ||< ||C ||<
|# |a |b |c |(background: peachpuff;)d
|# |^ |b |^ |(background: peachpuff;)d
becomes (simulated)
| Nr | A | C |
| 1 | a | b | c | d |
+----+ +---+ +---+
| 2 | | b | | d |
Multi-line table editing#
The standard table markup of JSPWiki requires you to put all data related to a row on a single line of text. (without carriage returns) With the Table plugin, a single row or cell can be entered on multiple lines. You can compare a multi-line table row to a bulleted list, whereby you replace the bullets ('*') with pipes ('|' or '||'). A blank line is used a separator between multi-line rows.
| These cells
| will all appear
| as a single table row
| This is | a second | row
It is also possible to put the contents of a single cell across multiple lines. So it becomes easy to put lots of text and markup inside a single table cell and still keep your markup readable.
| This cell
is put over 2 lines
| The 2nd cell comes here
all on the same row!
You can combine mutiline rows with standard wiki table syntax too. As long as a single line contains only one table cell, it is assumed to continue on the next line. Multi-line rows always need to be terminated with a blank lines. Standard wiki table rows may omit the blank separator lines.
| This row has
| Two cells
| You can also | use standard wiki markup.
| Here is another | table row
You can also combine the multi line syntax with the |<, |^, |(<css-style>) and |#.
[{Table style='border:2px solid tomato; width:50vw;'
|| Heading 1
|| Heading 2
| This is a magic multi-line cell ...
* with one or ...
* two list bullets
|(background:peachpuff;) And a peachpuff submarine
|(padding:0;) [{Image src='' width='100%' height='100px }]
JSPWiki : TablePlugin - Plugin insertion failed: Could not find plugin TableJSPWiki : TablePlugin - Plugin insertion failed: Could not find plugin Table
[{Table <table-parameters>
|| Table Header Example || More...
| Table Data Example | More...
- rowNumber : <integer> , row number starts counting at this value, default = 0 (used in conjunction with '#' syntax)
- style : <css-style> , add formatting to the table e.g. style:'border=2px solid black;'
- dataStyle : <css-style> , format all data cells (prefixed by a single pipe | )
- headerStyle : <css-style> , format all header cells (prefixed by a double pipe ||)
- evenRowStyle : <css-style> , format the even rows, e.g. evenRowStyle='background: #ffff00;'
- oddRowStyle : <css-style> . format the odd rows, e.g. oddRowStyle='color: red;'
Installation Instructions#
- Copy Table.jar to the folder $WIKI_HOME/WEB-INF/lib/ (or server classpath)
- Modify the plugin search path in your file and make sure there are no spaces between the different entries.
jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = brushed.jspwiki.tableplugin
- Restart JSPWiki
PWiki/WEB-INF/lib/jspwiki-main-2.11.0.M7-SNAPSHOT.jar: ../jspwiki/jspwiki-war/target/JSPWiki/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar: -target 1.8 src/main/java/brushed/jspwiki/tableplugin/*.java }}}
Then build the jar. The path should be related to src/
jar cvf Table.jar
-C src/main/java src/main/java/brushed/jspwiki/tableplugin/*.class
-C src/main/resources ini
Installation Instructions#
- Copy Table.jar to the folder $WIKI_HOME/WEB-INF/lib/ (or server classpath)
- Modify the plugin search path in your file and make sure there are no spaces between the different entries.
jspwiki.plugin.searchPath = brushed.jspwiki.tableplugin
- Restart JSPWiki