This page (revision-7) was last changed on 31-Mar-2016 21:55 by Victor Fedorov
This page was created on 17-Jan-2014 11:17 by Brian Burch
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Version | Date Modified | Size | Author | Changes ... | Change note |
7 | 31-Mar-2016 21:55 | 13 KB | Victor Fedorov | to previous | The section Plugins is isolated in documentation. |
6 | 30-Jan-2014 09:56 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to previous | to last | point out that photo file types are case-insensitive |
5 | 30-Jan-2014 09:52 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to previous | to last | |
4 | 30-Jan-2014 09:50 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to previous | to last | configuration should now be done with |
3 | 17-Jan-2014 11:26 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to previous | to last | |
2 | 17-Jan-2014 11:20 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to previous | to last | |
1 | 17-Jan-2014 11:17 | 13 KB | Brian Burch | to last |
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