This page (revision-7) was last changed on 31-Mar-2016 21:55 by Victor Fedorov 

This page was created on 17-Jan-2014 11:17 by Brian Burch

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
7 31-Mar-2016 21:55 13 KB Victor Fedorov to previous The section Plugins is isolated in documentation.
6 30-Jan-2014 09:56 13 KB Brian Burch to previous | to last point out that photo file types are case-insensitive
5 30-Jan-2014 09:52 13 KB Brian Burch to previous | to last
4 30-Jan-2014 09:50 13 KB Brian Burch to previous | to last configuration should now be done with
3 17-Jan-2014 11:26 13 KB Brian Burch to previous | to last
2 17-Jan-2014 11:20 13 KB Brian Burch to previous | to last
1 17-Jan-2014 11:17 13 KB Brian Burch to last

Difference between version and

At line 123 changed one line
* I have setup my photo collection, but why does a search on "holiday", not find the folder called "2009/04-holidays"? The jspWiki search engine ''only'' knows about the wiki pages that exist, not those you might create in the future! Once you've clicked on the "create page" hyperlink for your "04-holidays" folder and saved the content, the name of the page will become visible to the search engine. Don't forget the search engine will not match "holiday" against a page containing the text string "holidays" - you need a search argument of "holiday*".
* I have setup my photo collection, but why does a search on "holiday", not find the folder called "2009/04-holidays"? The jspWiki search engine ''only'' knows about the wiki pages that exist, not those you might create in the future! Once you've clicked on the "create page" hyperlink for your "04-holidays" folder and saved the content, the name of the page will become visible to the search engine. You can even search on substrings, e.g. the search engine will match "holiday" against a page containing the text string "holidays".