Includes its contents, if the page type matches.
JSPWiki handles attachments as a special type of a WikiPage. For example, page info is practically the same for both pages and attachments. Thus, sometimes you must be able to discern between these two types.
<wiki:PageType type="attachment|page">
- HTML or JSP data
- type
- Either "attachment", or "page". If "attachment", includes the body if the current page is an attachment; or if "page", includes the body if (and only if) the body is a standard WikiPage.
<wiki:PageType type="page"> <wiki:LinkTo>Back to <wiki:PageName/></wiki:LinkTo> </wiki:PageType> <wiki:PageType type="attachment"> <form action="attach" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <%-- Do NOT change the order of wikiname and content, otherwise the servlet won't find its parts. --%> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<wiki:Variable var="pagename"/>"> In order to update this attachment with a newer version, find the file using "Browse", then click on "Update". <P> <input type="file" name="content"> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Update"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload"> <input type="hidden" name="nextpage" value="<wiki:PageInfoLink format="url"/>"> </form> </wiki:PageType>
If the current page is a standard WikiPage, displays just a link back to the page. However, if it is an attachment, will insert a possibility to update the attachment.