New in JSPWiki 2.12.2 - Released on 17/06/2024#
- CustomWikiEventListener, to easily allow custom components to be aware of all kind of events fired by JSPWiki
- SBOMs now published to central
- JSPWiki missing some translations in Finnish
- JSPWiki Missing i18n resources
- JSPWIKI-1056
- URL in registration mail is relative while it should be absolute
- JSPWIKI-1165
- long text in monospace font inside {{}} is shown without scroll bar
- JSPWIKI-1167
- prettify: line numbering is wrong with longer lines
- JSPWIKI-1181
- Search popup does not handle attachments correctly
- JSPWIKI-1184
- !!! Image missing and German text typo
- JSPWIKI-1186
- Windows, Install.jsp double escapes the jspwiki.workDir and nothing else
- JSPWIKI-1188
- Support system property / env replacement for JSPWiki configuration properties
- provided by Alex O'Ree on PR #330
, thanks!
- provided by Alex O'Ree on PR #330
- JSPWIKI-1190
- Changing jspwiki.syntax=markdown breaks all the predefined/default wiki content
- MailUtil now uses every mail.smtp / mail.smtps property provided through your jspwiki[-custom].properties file
- Initial sets of markdown pages available as part of the build
- Upgraded bundled dependencies
- Apache parent to 32
- Awaitility to 4.2.1
- AWS Kendra Java SDK to 1.12.565
- Commons IO to 2.16.1
- Commons Lang to 3.14.0
- Commons text to 1.12.0
- Gson to 2.11.0
- JavaMail to 1.6.2
- Jetty to 9.4.54.v20240208
- JUnit to 5.10.2
- Log4J to 2.23.1
- Lucene to 9.11.0
- Mockito to 5.12.0
- Selenide to 6.19.0
- Tika to 2.9.2
- Tomcat to 9.0.89
- HSQLDB to 2.7.3
- Security Fixes
New in JSPWiki 2.12.1 - Released on 11/08/2023#
- JSPWIKI-1172
- jspwiki.workDir default should be in $javax.servlet.context.tempdir
- previously, this property was set to, if you need jspwiki.workDir to continue pointing there please update your jspwiki[-custom].properties file accordingly
- Fixed Workflow screen, which wasn't working since 2.11.0.M5
- Merged quite some PRs with code improvements: #272
, #282
, #283
, #290
, #291
, #292
- Upgraded bundled dependencies
- Commons IO to 2.13.0
- Commons Lang to 3.13.0
- Flexmark to 0.64.8
- Hslqdb to 2.7.2
- JUnit to 5.10.0
- Lucene to 9.7.0
- Mockito to 5.4.0
- Selenide to 6.16.1
- Tika to 2.8.0
- Tomcat to 9.0.78
New in JSPWiki 2.12.0 - Released on 23/05/2023#
- Breaking change: Java 11 required to compile & run JSPWiki
- Breaking change: .html, .htm and .js attachments are now forcibly downloaded by default
- if you want to open them rather than downloading them, set the jspwiki.attachment.forceDownload property to empty on your jspwiki[-custom].properties file
- ReferenceManager implementation can be set via jspwiki.refManager property on your jspwiki[-custom].properties file
- The provided implementation is expected to have a constructor receiving only an Engine
- Install.jsp now properly displays its styles
- Upgraded bundled dependencies
- Apache parent to 29
- AWS Kendra Java SDK to 1.12.468
- Commons Fileupload to 1.5
- Commons Text to 1.10.0
- Flexmark to 0.64.4
- Gson to 2.10.1
- HSQLDB to 2.7.1
- Jaxen to 2.0.0
- Jetty all to 9.4.51.v20230217
- JUnit to 5.9.3
- Log4j2 to 2.20.0
- Lucene to 9.6.0
- Mockito to 5.3.1
- NekoHTML to 2.1.2
- Selenide to 6.14.0
- Tika to 2.7.0
- Tomcat to 9.0.75
- Security Fixes