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Comment Box#

%%commentbox is a JSPWikiStyles which generates floating comment boxes .
new The style of the box is based on the Bootstrap framework. You can also use one of the Bootstrap states (primary, success, info, warning, danger) to colour the commentbox.

See also Collapsible Box


%%commentbox ... /%
%%commentbox-CaptionCamelCase ... /%
%%commentbox-primary-success-info-warning-danger .. %/

!Caption title
This is is just some sample commentbox. Don’t even bother reading it; you will just waste your time. Why do you keep reading? Do I have to use Lorem Ipsum to stop you?


A comment box without a caption#

This is is just some sample commentbox. Don’t even bother reading it; you will just waste your time. Why do you keep reading? Do I have to use Lorem Ipsum to stop you? OK, here goes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Still reading? Gosh, you’re impossible. I’ll stop here to spare you.
  • Always put the %%commentbox first in the flow of your document, so it wil float next (to the right) of the subsequent page content.
  • Multiple subsequent comment boxes will float next to each other

A comment box with a caption#

This is is just some sample commentbox. Don’t even bother reading it; you will just waste your time. Why do you keep reading? Do I have to use Lorem Ipsum to stop you? OK, here goes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Still reading? Gosh, you’re impossible. I’ll stop here to spare you.
The ~CamelCase caption is shown as title of the commentbox.

A commentbox with a caption title#

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet#

This is is just some sample commentbox. Don’t even bother reading it; you will just waste your time. Why do you keep reading? Do I have to use Lorem Ipsum to stop you? OK, here goes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Still reading? Gosh, you’re impossible. I’ll stop here to spare you.
When the first item of the body of the commentbox is a header (!,!!,!!!) it becomes the caption. Note: in this case the title of the commentbox will also appear in the TableOfContents.

Color variants#

Primary color#

Use %%commentbox-primary

Success color#

Use %%commentbox-success

Info color#

Use %%commentbox-info

Warning color#

Use %%commentbox-warning

Danger color#

Use %%commentbox-danger