Image styles allow you to add special effects, transformations, animation, frames, captions etc. to photographs and images. It is also possible to combine multiple styles with the . separator.
%%<style1>.<style2> [<wiki-page>/<image attachment>]/% %%<style1>.<style2> [{Image src='<image url>' }]/% [{Image src='<image url>' class='<style1> <style2>'}]Note: most images styles can also be used on background images.
Frames (rounded, circle) can be used flat or raised. (with shadow)
%%caption-arrow [{Image src='<image>' caption='<caption content>' }] /%
Normally, caption content can only consist of text. If you need more freedom to the type of content and the styles you want to put in a caption, use the %%caption style. Put the caption content right after the image. This is supported both for the Image Plugin as well as for inline attachment images.
%%caption [{Image src='<image>' }] More __caption__ content /%
%%caption [<wiki-page>/<inline image attachment>] More __caption__ content /%
%%magnify <your image> /% [{Image src='<image>' class='magnify'}]
Or set a page-style at the top of the page to add the magnifier to all the images of the page.
[{SET page-styles='magnify'}]
The animated %%kenburns effect is a type of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still imagery. The name derives from extensive use of the technique by the American documentarian Ken Burns
%%kenburns [<wiki-page>/<inline image attachment>] /%
[{Image src='<image>' class='kenburns' }]
Note: you need to include Instagram Filters for the additional image effects .
.poppy td:hover{ filter:none !important; transform:none !important; mix-blend-mode:normal !important; } .poppy td:hover:before, .poppy td:hover:after { opacity:0; }
.poppy td {transition: 1s all;}