The Haddock Template stylesheets are build on the foundation of the BOOTSTRAP 3.0 CSS Framework. You can change almost
anything about the layout and the look&feel of your wiki site. (either as Administrator, or via %%add-css styles)
This page explains the key components of the HADDOCK Template HTML structure and which CSS classes it uses. More details can be found in the embedded documentation in the stylesheet files.
See also Haddock Template, Haddock Styles, Haddock Styles Test page
The body of the document contains one (Bootstrap) container element which wraps all the site contents. Via the UserPreferences you can modify some of the container classes:
The body element is decorated with a context class. (eg context-view, context-edit, ...)
The TitleBox alert box will only be added when it has content to be displayed. (non-empty)
The header contains a topline with logo and HomeMenu, the quick navigation bar, the userbox with login/logout and user preference buttons.
The userbox provides the controls to login/logout and set the user-preferences.
The Searchbox contains the quick search pull-down menu. As you enter the quick search input field, an ajax lookup is done on matching wiki-pages. If no exact match is found, buttons are shown for creating or cloning new wiki-pages. The content of the dropdown menu is created on the fly by javascript.
The last element of the header is the Navigation bar. A special item is the more menu which contains a number of predefined entries and the content of the MoreMenu.
The content block act as a container for the main page content and the collapsible sidebar.
The .active class is present when the sidebar is visible; it can be toggled with the ☰ menu toggle button of the navigation bar. Note how the main page block comes before the sidebar in the DOM, to allow faster (first)) rendering of the page-content.
The sidebar includes the LeftMenu and LeftMenuFooter pages.
You can also include automatically your [<username>Favorites] page when authenticated by adding following wiki markup to your LeftMenu page. EG: when user Alex logs in, the page with the name AlexFavorites will be inserted in the sidebar.
[{If page='{$username}Favorites' exists='true' ! [ {$username} Favorites | {$username}Favorites] [{InsertPage page='{$username}Favorites' }] }]
The footer includes the CopyrightNotice page, and shows the JSPWiki version your site is running. It also contains a link to the rss-feed of your site.
The monolithic CSS file has been replaced by many small Less files; many of which are reused from the BOOTSTRAP framework. Check out build.less to see which components from BOOTSTRAP are reused, which are modified and which JSPWiki specific components have been added.
At build time, the LESS pre-processor and CSS minimizer of the wro4j framework will merge all files into final haddock.css file. form.accordion-close.panel-group div.panel-heading span.icon-paper-clip Add new attachment div div.panel-body dir.form-group File Selection control dir.form-group Change Note input control dir.form-group UPLOAD button div.slimbox-attachments.table-filter-striped-sort-condensed table tr th Attachment Name th Version th Date Modified th Size th Kind th Author th Actions th Change note tr td.attach-name a.attachment <attachement-name> button.slimbox-btn td <row-nummer> td.nowrap[data-sortvalue="1392912030000"] 20-Feb-2014 17:00 td.nowrap[title="7448 bytes"] 7 KB td.attach-type span.icon-file-jpg-o jpg td a.wikipage Authos td.nowrap a.btn.btn-primary.btn-xs Info td.changenote div.form-frame ul.nav.nav-tab div.pagination div.table-filter-sort-condensed-striped table div.pagination table tr th Incoming Links th Outgoing Links tr td td