
The WeblogPlugin is a JSPWikiPlugin that builds a simple weblog.

A weblog is a list of wiki pages with a common name prefix, each page is an entry. Page names are like DemoBlog_blogentry_100816_2.

The WeblogPlugin reads all pages that start with the prefix and displays them. The WeblogEntryPlugin creates a link to the new entry editor.


The "days" and "startDate" can also be sent in HTTP parameters, and the names are "weblog.days" and "weblog.startDate", respectively.

Weblog entry page prefix is "%p_blogentry_". %p is replaced by the page parameter, if given, else by the current page name.

Creating a Blog#

On a wiki page that contains a blog you need the

Weblog page#

Here's an example blog or "News" page:

[{WeblogEntryPlugin entrytext='Create a new blog entry.'}] 


[{WeblogPlugin days='90' allowComments='true'}]

Note that if a blog entry page starts with a heading it will be used as the entry title (e.g., "! My Title"), else the generated page name will be used as title.

Questions & Answers#

Q) And how do I write the blog?? To me it seems that one should also add New entry to the same page to get the New entry button. Is there a localized version? --Boris Folgmann
A) Yes, you'll have to add the WeblogEntryPlugin, not necessarily on the same page, though. It has a page parameter to refer to a Weblog on another page. The only localization you can do is use the entrytext parameter. -- Jawe
A) Please consider that the parameter page is a feature of the newer 2.1 release of JSPWiki. In the current stable 2.0.52 release, the parameter page doesn't work. -- Steffen Stundzig
A) Note, that the current version 2.1.103a does not support page in WeblogEntryPlugin. page is always encoded as engine.encodeName(weblogName) which is in turn context.getPage().getName() - see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.WeblogEntryPlugin.java, line 83 -- Olaf Kock
Q) My blog entries seem to be dissappearing after a few days whatever the days parameter is set to. I've tried the default 180, and all. I want all the entries to stay forever. Any ideas? -- Chris Harris
A) IIRC you'll also have to add days=all --Jawe
Q) I would like to know how to use the pageformat parameter. Thanks. -- ilmazozz
Q) Indeed, how to use this feature? Whatever I do the output stays same. -- juhnu
A) Quick answer: pageformat defines the way the weblog page title is formatted (i.e. Main_blogentry_ddMMYY_N)
Q) Blog entries are never shown. Files are created correctly but then nothing is displayed. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Can anyone shed a light here plz? Thnx. --ncorreia
Q) i am also having the same problem, any help will be apreaciated. - Chris
A) One way is to set the 'days' parameter to 'all.'
A) You need to use the WeblogPlugin to display the pages created by the WeblogEntryPlugin. If the WeblogEntryPlugin is on a different page, then set you must set the page attribute of the WeblogPlugin to that page.
Q) Is it possible to show only a part of the blog-entries... for example just the first 5 lines or something else? -- MartinU
A) As of 2.11.0.M5, you can use the preview parameter.
Q) Can you create separate pages pointing to the same blog content? I'd like to have a page with days='all' and another with days='7'.
A) Yes, that should work fine.
Q) How do you edit a blog entry? (sorry if that's a dumb question ;) ) -- Dorothy Valiga, 10-Jun-2009
A) You follow the permalink at the bottom of the entry. -- Keith W

See: JSPWikiCorePlugins
