Class designation: Class
Manages the WikiPages of a WikiEngine. This class functions as an unified interface towards the page providers.
It handles initialization and management of the providers, and provides utility methods for accessing the contents.
Saving a page is a two-stage task; first the pre-save operations and then the actual save. See the descriptions of
the tasks for further information.
The following is extracted from the JSPWiki 2.10.x Javadocs:
- public void actionPerformed(WikiEvent event)
- Listens for WikiSecurityEvent.PROFILE_NAME_CHANGED events.
- protected boolean changeAcl(WikiPage page, Principal oldPrincipals, Principal newPrincipal)
- For a single wiki page, replaces all Acl entries matching a supplied array of Principals with a new Principal.
- public void deletePage(WikiPage page)
- Deletes an entire page, all versions, all traces.
- public void deleteVersion(WikiPage page)
- Deletes only a specific version of a WikiPage.
- protected void fireEvent(int type, String pagename)
- Fires a WikiPageEvent of the provided type and page name to all registered listeners.
- public List<PageLock> getActiveLocks()
- Returns a list of currently applicable locks.
- public Collection getAllPages()
- Returns all pages in some random order.
- public PageLock getCurrentLock(WikiPage page)
- Returns the current lock owner of a page.
- public WikiEngine getEngine()
- Returns the WikiEngine to which this PageManager belongs to.
- public WikiPage getPageInfo(String pageName, int version)
- Finds a WikiPage object describing a particular page and version.
- public String getPageText(String pageName, int version)
- Fetches the page text from the repository.
- public WikiPageProvider getProvider()
- Returns the page provider currently in use.
- public String getProviderDescription()
- Returns a human-readable description of the current provider.
- public int getTotalPageCount()
- Returns the total count of all pages in the repository.
- public List getVersionHistory(String pageName)
- Gets a version history of page.
- public PageLock lockPage(WikiPage page, String user)
- Locks page for editing.
- public Collection modules()
- Returns a collection of modules currently managed by this ModuleManager.
- public boolean pageExists(String pageName)
- Returns true, if the page exists (any version).
- public boolean pageExists(String pageName, int version)
- Checks for existence of a specific page and version.
- public void putPageText(WikiPage page, String content)
- Puts the page text into the repository.
- public void unlockPage(PageLock lock)
- Marks a page free to be written again.
See: WikiEvent, WikiEventListener