The jspwiki-user mailing list is hosted at Apache and can be joined by sending an e-mail to You can also browse the list archives through either Pony Mail!
or mod_mbox
This is the list for JSPWiki developers and contributors, and anyone who is interested in the current state and development. For example, all bug reports and enhancement requests from JIRA are automatically sent here. The jspwiki-dev list is hosted at Apache, so you join by sending an email to The list archives are also browseable through either Pony Mail!
or mod_mbox
If you subscribe to this list you will get emailed when (a committer) commits new or changed files to the Git repository. The jspwiki-commits list is hosted at Apache, join it by sending an email to Again, the list archives are also browseable through either Pony Mail!
or mod_mbox
Unsubscribing is equally easy: you can just send an email to <user|dev|commits> from the same email address that you originally subscribed from.