Creates a link to a WikiPage. This also works with WikiAttachments, that is, if the page you are referring to is an attachment, it will generate the correct link.
Why would you use this instead of a standard anchor? The LinkTag automatically adds things like the correct class information (for styles), the jspwiki.baseURL property, attachment links, etc.
Provides a generic link tag for all kinds of linking purposes.
If parameter jsp is defined, constructs a URL pointing to the specified JSP page, under the baseURL known by the WikiEngine. Any ParamTag name-value pairs contained in the body are added to this URL to provide support for arbitrary JSP calls.
See also: JSPWikiTags, LinkToTag, LinkToParentTag, CommentLinkTag, EditLinkTag, DiffLinkTag, PageInfoLinkTag, UploadLinkTag.
<wiki:Link page="<page name>" format="anchor|url" version="<version number>"> <wiki:Param name='skin' value='raw'/> Link text </wiki:Link>
Please see the <wiki:Link page="RecentChanges">list of recently changed pages</wiki:Link>.